Category Archives: Legal

Are GPLv2 and CDDL incompatible?

Canonical recently threw this issue into sharp relief by their decision to ship CDDL licensed ZFS as a module of the GPLv2 licensed Linux kernel.  Reading their legal justification for this leaves me somewhat unconvinced because it’s essentially the same “not a derivative work” argument that a number of dubious actors have used to justify binary modules.  So what I’d like to do is look at this issue from a completely different viewpoint.  First by accepting the premise that CDDL and GPLv2 are incompatible (since there’s some debate on this) and secondly by accepting the even more controversial proposition that creating a kernel module is a derivative work.  I don’t want to debate these premises because it’s a worst case assumption I’m using as inputs to make the following analysis possible.

What is compliance?

One of the curious thing about CDDL and GPLv2 is that they’re both copyleft (albeit in differing forms) and the compliance requirements: the release of complete corresponding source code for your binary containing the licensed work.  In fact, the only significant difference is the requirement for build scripts, which is in GPLv2 but not in CDDL.  Therefore you can say that if you follow the compliance regime for GPLv2 on CDDL code, you’ll be in full compliance with the CDDL.  The licences do, in fact, have compatible compliance requirements.  This fact becomes very relevant when you consider the requirements for bringing a copyright lawsuit in the first place.

Where’s the Harm?

Copyright law is something called a tort in law.  That essentially means a branch of law for resolving disputes between individual parties.  However, in order to stem what could be seen as frivolous lawsuits, bringing a claim under tort law requires not just a showing that someone broke the rules of whatever agreement they were under but also that quantifiable harm resulted1.  The essential elements of a tort claim are a showing of a violation, a theory of the harm produced and a request for damages based on the harm2.

All of the bodies which do GPL enforcement recently published a charter in which they make clear that the sole requirement from an enforcement action should be compliance with the terms of the licence.  However, as I showed above, it is perfectly possible to be compatibly in compliance with both the CDDL and the GPLv2.  So the question becomes if the party is already in compliance, even though there’s a technical violation of the terms of the licence produced by the combination, what would our theory of harm be given that we don’t really seem to have anything extra we’d ask of the violating party?

Of course, one can wax lyrical about the “harm to the licence” of allowing incompatible combinations.  However, here we’re on a very sticky wicket because there have been a lot of works published (including by the FSF itself) bemoaning the problems of licence incompatibility.  Indeed, part of the design of the GPLv3 process was to make the licence more amenable to combination with other open source licences.  So suddenly becoming ardent advocates for the benefits of licence incompatibility is probably to be unlikely to fly before a judge as a theory of harm.


What the above analysis shows is that even though we presumed combination of GPLv2 and CDDL works to be a technical violation, there’s no way actually to prosecute such a violation because we can’t develop a convincing theory of harm resulting.  Because this makes it impossible to take the case to court, effectively it must be concluded that the combination of GPLv2 and CDDL, provided you’re following a GPLv2 compliance regime for all the code, is allowable.  This conclusion is the same as the one Canonical reached, but the means by which I got there are very different.

Note that this conclusion would apply to mixing any open source licence with GPLv2: provided the compliance regimes are compatible and the stricter one is followed, it’s difficult to develop a theory of harm and thus the combination is allowable.

Final Thought

The above analysis is all from the point of view of the Linux kernel compliance activities.  However, with ZFS, there is another copyright holder: Oracle.  Nothing prevents Oracle suing for copyright violation with a theory of harm that says something like the CDDL was deliberately designed to be incompatible with GPLv2 to prevent ZFS being shipped in Linux and as the shipper of products base on ZFS, they’ve suffered commercial harm (which would be quantifiable) by this action.

A Modest Proposal on the DCO

In this post, I discussed why corporations are having trouble regarding the DCO as sufficient for contributions to projects using licences which require patent grants.  The fear being that rogue corporations could legitimately claim that under the DCO they were authorizing their developers as agents for copyrights but not for patents.  Rather than argue about the legality of this trick, I think it will be much more productive to move the environment forwards to a place where it simply won’t work.  The key to doing this is to change the expectations of the corporate players which moves them to the point where they expect that a corporate signoff under the DCO gives agency for both patents and copyrights because once this happens for most of them (the good actors), the usual estoppal rules would make it apply to all.

The fact is that even though corporate lawyers fear that agency might not exist for patent grants via DCO signoffs in contributions, all legitimate corporate entities who make bona fide code contributions wish to effect this anyway; that’s why they go to the additional lengths of setting up Contributor Licence Agreements and signing them.  The corollary here is that really only a bad actor in the ecosystem wishes to perpetuate the myth that patents aren’t handled by the DCO.  So if all good actors want the system to work correctly anyway, how do we make it so?

The lever that will help to make this move is a simple pledge, which can be published on a corporate website,  that allows corporations expecting to make legitimate contributions to patent binding licences under the DCO to do so properly without needing any additional Contributor Licence Agreements.  Essentially it would be an explicit statement that when their developers submit code to a project under the DCO using a corporate signoff, they’re acting as agents for the necessary patent and copyright grants, meaning you can always trust a DCO signoff from that corporation.  When enough corporations do this, it becomes standard practice and thus expectations on the DCO have moved to the point we originally assumed they were at, so here’s the proposal for what such a statement would look like.


Corporate Contribution Pledge


It is our expectation that any DCO signoff from a corporate email address binds that corporation to grant all necessary copyright and, where required, patent rights to satisfy the terms of the licence.  Accordingly, we are publishing this pledge to illustrate how, as a matter of best practice, we implement this expectation.

For the purposes of this pledge, our corporate email domain is and its subdomains.


  1. This pledge only applies to projects which use an OSI accepted Open Source  licence and which also use a developer certificate of origin (DCO).
  2. No authority is given under this pledge to sign contribution agreements on behalf of the company or otherwise bind it except by contributing code under an OSI approved licence and DCO process.
  3. No authority is given under this pledge if a developer, who may be our employee, posts patches under an email address which is not our corporate email domain above.
  4. No trademarks of this corporation may ever be bound under this pledge.
  5. Except as stated below, no other warranty, express or implied, is made on behalf of the contribution, including, but not limited to, fitness of the code for a specific purpose or merchantability.  The entire risk of the quality and performance of this contribution rests with the recipient.


  1. Our corporation trains its Open Source contributors carefully to understand when they may and may not post patches from our corporate email domain and to obtain all necessary internal clearances according to our processes before making such a posting.
  2. When one of our developers posts a patch to a project under an OSI approved licence with a DCO Signed-off-by: from our corporate email domain, we authorise that developer to be our agent in the minimum set of patent and copyright grants that are required to satisfy the terms of the OSI approved licence for the contribution.

The DCO, Patents and OpenStack

Historically, the Developer Certificate of Origin originally adopted by the Linux Kernel in 2005 has seen widespread use within a large variety of Open Source projects.  The DCO is designed to replace a Contributor Licence Agreement with a simple Signed-off-by attestation which is placed into the commit message of the source repository itself, thus meaning that all the necessary DCO attestations are automatically available to anyone who downloads the source code repository.  It also allows (again, through the use of a strong source control system) the identification of who changed any given line of code within the source tree and all their DCO signoffs.

The legal basis of the DCO is that it is an attestation by an individual developer that they have sufficient rights in the contribution to submit it under the project (or file) licence.

The DCO and Corporate Contributions

In certain jurisdictions, particularly the United States of America, when you work as a software developer for a Corporation, they actually own, exclusively, the copyright of any source code you produce under something called the Work for Hire doctrine.  So the question naturally arises: if the developer who makes the Signed-off-by attestation  doesn’t actually own any rights in the code, how is that attestation valid and how does the rights owning entity (the corporation) actually license the code correctly to make the contribution?

The answer to that question resides in something called the theory of agency.  Agency is the mechanism by which individuals give effect to actions of a corporation.  For example, being a nebulous entity with no actual arms or legs, a corporation cannot itself sign any documents.  Thus, when a salesman signs a contract to supply widgets on behalf of a corporation, he is acting as the agent of that corporation.  His signature on the sales contract becomes binding on the corporation as if the corporation itself had made it.  However, there’s a problem here: how does the person who paid for and is expecting the delivery of widgets know that the sales person is actually authorised to be an agent of the corporation?  The answer here is again in the theory of agency: as long as the person receiving the widgets had reasonable cause to think that the salesperson signing the contract is acting as an agent of the corporation.  Usually all that’s required is that the company gave the salesperson a business card and a title which would make someone think they were authorised to sign contracts (such as “Sales Manager”).

Thus, the same thing applies to developers submitting patches on behalf of a corporation.  They become agents of that corporation when making DCO attestations and thus, even if the contribution is a work for hire and the copyright owned by the corporation, the DCO attestation the developer makes is still binding on the corporation.

Email addresses matter

Under the theory of agency, it’s not sufficient to state “I am an agent”, there must be some sign on behalf of the corporation that they’re granting agency (in the case of the salesperson, it was a business card and checkable title).  For developers making contributions with a Signed-off-by, the best indication of agency is to do the signoff using a corporate email address.  For this reason, the Linux kernel has adopted the habit of not accepting controversial patches without a corporate signoff.

Patents and the DCO

The Linux Kernel uses GPLv2 as its licence.  GPLv2 is solely a copyright licence and has nothing really to say about patents, except that if you assert against the project, you lose your right to distribute under GPLv2.  This is what is termed an implied patent licence, but it means that the DCO signoff for GPLv2 only concerns copyrights.  However, there are many open source licences (like Apache-2 or GPLv3) which require explicit patent grants as well as copyright ones, so can the DCO give all the necessary rights, including patent ones, to make the contribution on behalf of the corporation?  The common sense answer, which is if the developer is accepted as an agent for copyright, they should also be an agent for patent grants, isn’t as universally accepted as you might think.

The OpenStack problem

OpenStack has been trying for years to drop its complex contributor licence infrastructure in favour of a simple DCO attestation.  Most recently, the Technical Committee made that request of the board in 2014 and it was finally granted in a limited fashion on November 2015.  The recommendation of the OpenStack counsel was accepted and the DCO was adopted for individuals only, keeping the contributor licence agreements for corporations.  The given reason for this is that the corporate members of OpenStack want more assurance that corporations are correctly granting their patents in their contributions than they believe the DCO gives (conversely, individuals aren’t expected to have any patents, so, for them, the DCO applies just fine since it’s effectively only a copyright attestation they’re giving).

Why are Patents such an Issue?

Or why do lots of people think developers aren’t agents for patents in contributions unlike for copyrights?  The essential argument (as shown here) is that corporations as a matter of practise, do not allow developers (or anyone else except specific title holders) to be agents for patent transactions and thus there should not be an expectation, even when they make a DCO attestation using a corporate email signoff, that they are.

One way to look at this is that corporations have no choice but to make developers agents for the copyright because without that, the DCO attestation is false since the developers themselves has no rights to a work for hire piece of code.  However, some corporations think they can get away with not making developers agents for patents because the contribution and the licence do not require this to happen.  The theory here is that the developer is making an agency grant for the copyright, but an individual grant of the patents (and, since developers don’t usually own patents, that’s no grant at all).  Effectively this is a get out of jail free card for corporations to cheat on the patent requirements of the licence.

Does this interpretation really hold water?  Well, I don’t think so, because it’s deceptive.  It’s deliberately trying to evade the responsibilities for patents that the licences require.  Usually under the theory of agency, deceptive practises are barred.  However, the fear that a court might be induced to accept this viewpoint is sufficient to get the OpenStack board to require that corporations sign a CLA to ensure that patents are well and truly bound.  The problem with this viewpoint is that, if it becomes common enough, it ends up being de facto what the legal situation actually is (because the question courts most often ask in cases about agency is what would the average person think, so a practise that becomes standard in the industry ipso facto becomes what the average reasonable person would think).  Effectively therefore, the very act of OpenStack acting on its fear causes the thing they fear eventually to become true.  The only way to reverse this now is to change the current state of how the industry views patents and the DCO … and that will be the subject of another post.